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Bases: BaseModel

A reference to a media object.

media_id instance-attribute

media_id: str

The ID of the media object.

type instance-attribute

type: Literal['image', 'video']

The type of the media object.

start_time instance-attribute

start_time: NonNegativeFloat

The start time of the media object in seconds.

end_time instance-attribute

end_time: PositiveFloat

The end time of the media object in seconds.

effects class-attribute instance-attribute

effects: list[VideoEffectType] = Field(default_factory=list)

The effects applied to the media object.


Bases: BaseModel

A shot for a script.

number instance-attribute

number: PositiveInt

The number of the shot.

description instance-attribute

description: str

The description of the shot.

subtitle instance-attribute

subtitle: str

The subtitle for the shot.

media_references class-attribute instance-attribute

media_references: list[ShotMediaReference] = Field(

The media references for the shot.

start_time property

start_time: float

The start time of the shot in seconds.

end_time property

end_time: float

The end time of the shot in seconds.

duration property

duration: float

The duration of the shot in seconds.


Bases: BaseModel

A shooting script for a video project.

title class-attribute instance-attribute

title: str = 'Untitled'

The title of the script.

description class-attribute instance-attribute

description: str | None = None

The description of the script.

shots class-attribute instance-attribute

shots: list[Shot] = Field(default_factory=list)

The shots in the script.

duration property

duration: float

The total duration of the script in seconds.

shot_count property

shot_count: int

The number of shots in the script.